United Way of West Florida is a local 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that UNITES nonprofit agencies, organizations, businesses - and people - to fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.
Unite our community and leverage resources to improve lives.
A community United to create better opportunities for all.
Unite and leverage resources to improve lives.
Build partnerships and engage people.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Value and respect every individual.
Advance policies that help our community.
Drive and lead change and advancement in thinking, doing, and giving.
United Way of West Florida is committed to finding long-term solutions to critical community issues through:
Transformational Investments
Investing financial resources in efforts that transform the community.
Capacity Building
Securing, maximizing, and diversifying resources to grow our team and community organizations.
Connecting people to essential resources to improve lives.
Board of Directors | Staff | Financial Information
Diversity Statement
We are an equal opportunity employer and are committed to the principle of diversity. We, therefore:
- Value diversity and respect others, without regard to race, color, creed, age, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or handicapped individual.
- Support affirmative action and equal employment opportunity throughout our Organization.
- Refuse to engage in or tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment.
Anti-Racism and Ethnic Discrimination Statement
We, the United Way of West Florida Board of Directors and employees, stand committed to affirming our identity as an anti-racist organization.
We recognize that systemic racism, unjust policies and practices in our institutions, and other forms of oppression have - and continue to - marginalize entire populations of people. While racism and prejudice are not always conscious, their consequences are always dehumanizing.
We denounce all forms of racism and discrimination. They have no place in our society and undermine our efforts to create a community where all people can realize their full potential.
We stand committed to challenging and correcting inequities and ensuring that those whose voices have been quieted are heard. We will continue to work alongside all stakeholders and partners to foster opportunities for education and awareness to create a more equitable community for all.
Policy & Procedures for Privacy Statement and Terms of Use - Website and Social Media
United Way of West Florida (UWWF) is pleased to provide information to all of its customers about its online privacy policy. Please be assured that UWWF uses its best efforts to protect the privacy of visitors to this Web site. Click here for the full statement.
Click here to view our Annual Report