Since 1924, United Way of West Florida has fought for the health, education, and financial stability of every citizen in our community. We do this by working collaboratively with hundreds of companies, thousands of community members, local government, and local non-profit agencies. We believe working together is the best way to improve lives and build a stronger community. As we embark on this benchmark year, we invite you to be a part of our 100th-anniversary celebration!
All year round:![]()
Join United Way of West Florida for their 100th Anniversary celebration all year by participating in 100 Acts of Kindness.
Use #100Ways and #UWWFL100th and @UWWFL to share your Acts of Kindness on socials!
The UWWF team would love to see the amazing things you do!
1924 The Beginning:
The ‘Community Chest’ concept is introduced to Pensacola as a way to consolidate charitable requests made by local companies and businesses.
1941 Goal Surpassed:
Headlines read, “CHEST DRIVE GOES OVER TOP IN FUND TOTAL,” however in 1925, the campaign goal had actually been surpassed for the first time, by a total of $27.60. That goal was $34,950.
1943 National War Fund:
Many Community Chests outside of Pensacola were merging into the National War Fund. Pensacola was the last Community Chest in Florida to combine with the National War Fund, but first to reach its goal. The goal of $110,000 was exceeded by $5,244.
1944 Agency Tours:
Agency “Come and See Tours” were incorporated for industrial employees. Today, Agency Tours are a significant component of the Community Investment process, allowing Panelists the opportunity to see firsthand the impact that programs and services administered by nonprofit agencies have on the community.
1948 The Community Chest:
The Community Chest becomes the “Greater Pensacola Community Chest,” and kicks off with the campaign slogan, “Give! Give Enough! Support your Community Chest!” featured beside a giant Chest thermometer measuring progress at the corner of Garden and Palafox Streets in downtown Pensacola.
1957 Greater Pensacola United Fund:
Headlines read, “A Greater Pensacola United Fund was born Thursday morning,” as the organization continues to evolve. Shortly thereafter, in 1960, the Fund began serving 19 agencies.
1957 Pacesetters
The term “Pacesetters” was adopted to give credit to the firms and companies supporting the fundraising drive and setting pace for the others. In 1951, the inaugural Pacesetters class included Lewis Bear Company, Muldon Motor Company, Sherrill Oil Company, and Hygeia Coca-Cola Bottling Company. This past year, 14 companies, organizations, and institutions qualified as Pacesetters and raised a combined $519,682 to kick off the campaign season.
1968 Loaned Executives:
Loaned Executives, known today as Ambassadors, were first introduced in 1968. These volunteers play a vital role in the implementation and execution of workplace campaigns. In 2018-19, 15 individuals from 12 organizations were part of the graduating Ambassador class.
1972 A New Beginning:
By vote of membership, United Fund changes its name and becomes United Way of Escambia County. New bylaws were adopted and service grew to be county-wide.
1989 The Red Feather Fellowship:
The Red Feather Fellowship was introduced to recognize individuals and families giving over $1,000 annually. The symbolism of the Red Feather as a badge of honor dates back to the Community Chest days. There were 85 inaugural Red Feathers, giving a combined $115,000. Today the Fellowship consists of four giving levels ($1,000 - $9,999), and includes more than 350 of our community’s most generous individuals, collectively giving over $500,000.
1993 Day of Caring:
United Way of Escambia County organizes the First Annual Day of Caring, the event has since grown to be the largest organized day of volunteerism in Northwest Florida.
1999 School Supply Drive:
Cram the Van was created, in partnership with WEAR TV3, and Sandy Sansing Chevrolet. In 2019, the School-District approved supply drive was rebranded as “Stuff the Bus.”
2004 First Call For Help:
UWEC assumed responsibility for First Call for Help and assisted with Hurricane Ivan relief efforts. This program was rebranded to 211 Northwest Florida in 2010.
2019 Looking Ahead:
United Way of Escambia County incorporates Santa Rosa County into its service area and rebrands as United Way of West Florida.
Thank you Centennial Club Donors
During our 100th celebration, we are highlighting our Centennial Club donors!
By joining the Club, you are joining the fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every citizen in our community and showing how working together is the best way to improve lives and build a stronger community.
Thank you to our 1st Quarter Leadership Donors, these individuals give $1,000 or more.
- William Noonan
- Richard Stone
- Eric Lund
- Brenda Kelly
- Ken and Elizabeth Woolf
- Frank Gilliam
- Christopher Smith
- Dan Schebler
- Michael Ambrose
- Richard Lynch
- Kelly Shields
- Ethan Harris
- Carla Tucholsky
- Gayle Cramer
- Susan Woolf
- Phil Sadler
- Jennifer Taylor
During our 100th celebration, we are highlighting our Centennial Club donors!
By joining the Club, you are joining the fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every citizen in our community and showing how working together is the best way to improve lives and build a stronger community.
Thank you to our 1st Quarter Centennial Donors, these individuals give at least $100.
- Michelle West
- Anne Williams
- Mark Canada
- Robert Phillips
- Joshua Newby
- Lori Potts
- Karen Burke
- Vince Whibbs
- Wendy Tecumseh
- Stevie Farley
- Phil and April Sadler
- Wanda Bomar
- Jason & Carrie Cromey
- Lori Enfinger
- David Ricketson
- Jean Sowell
- James Ramminger
- Donna Clark
- Paul Stanley
- Leslie Mickles
- Sherry Hartnett
- Frank and Sylvia Beall
- Susan James
- Stephen Brown
- Ed and Cary Koontz
- Catherine Yates
- Yvonne Acosta
- Karin Clanton
- Kaylyn Neal
- Nicholas Buli
- Craig Smith
- Tim Meier
- Cecilia McAdams
- Donna Cooper
- Jessica Ayers
- Emily Echevarria
- Alesia Macklin
- Jonathan Johnson
- Anna Hubbard
- Leslie Powell-Boudreaux
- Catherine Cox
- Melissa Chinn
- La'Toshia Evans
- Alcuin Alexander
- Paula Shell
- Albert Ortega
- Laura Garrett
- Matthew Knee
- Jennifer Nagim
- Binbing Han
- Donald Haber
- James Churchill
- Roxanne Bonifay
- John Francis
- Kevondre Brown
- Marc Cossich
- Venessa Jones
- Leslie Touchton
- Gay Lanzarotta
- Melinda Heim
- Thomas Francis
- Audra Francis
- Johan De Jong
- Dana McCants
- Zachary Thompson
- Monique Cossich
- Scott Winchester
- Kathleen Powe
- Tarah Walker
- Daniel Dial
- Tracy Flota
- Peter Dyson
- Michelle Hall
- Amy Cook
- Ella Carter
- Grace Meyer
- Lori Brown
- Duc Nguyen
- Joyce Saylor
- Kathryn Wyatt
- Tami Mudge
- Denise Rease
- Velma Franklin
- Jessica Griffen
- Karen Wright
- Matthew Hoffman
- Robert Rushing
- Tyla Osborne
- Minnie White
- Margaret Jerauld
- Deborah Williams
- Teresita Jacaruso
- Terri Carter
- Judy Dau
- Debra Hood
- Mary Simmons
- Helen King
- M Jaci McEntire
- Elaine King
- Amanda Wedwick
- Diane Mendoza
- Jennifer Marshall
- Rosa Sakalarios
- Krissy Smith
- Tracie Simmons
- Melissa Hogan
- Robert Findley
- Stella Thagouras-Brock
- Dawn Rockey
- Gwendolyn Smith
- Michelle Cooper
- Michelle Alexander
- Anna Robicheaux
- Elizabeth Weatherwax
- Tracy Boucek
- Krissy Hall
- Teresa Overly
- Kathy Hough
- Tiziana Trent
- Melissa Lopez
- Jesse Bethune
- Angela Mullek
- Melissa Thompson
- Lori Werdann
- Christy Motley
- Crystal Clinkenbeard
- Elizabeth Sanford
- April Lawson
- Troy Watts
- Sarah Kent
- Lauren Martorelli
- Amy Sinkus
- Chase Murphy
- Barrett Knox
- Alayshia Green
- Nancy Hastings
- James Barton
- Chelsea Carlson
- Darian Smith
- Sarah Ward
- Christa and Bailey Johnson
- Mick Northup
- Paul Flounlacker
- Judy Bradford
- Victoria Bodiford
- Andrea Roberts
- Kimberly Baggins
- Angel Peranich
- Naisy Dolar
- Deborah Gerard
- Jill Van Der Like
- Melissa Mann
- Jacqueline Knight
- Keshaun Salter
- Stephanie Petersen
- Chuck Boland
- Danny Grundhoefer
- Thomas and Gay Carter
- Linda Barnard
- Edward Stanford
- Scott Lunsford
- Charlotte Crane
- Christine Brigham
- Trudy Luescher
- David Scott
- Kenneth and Rhoda Somerville
- Myra Van Hoose
- Kristin Northrup
- M. Stewart
- Melissa Brode
- Hedi Salanki-Rubardt
- Philip Etheridge
- Kate Stradtman
- Jennifer Taylor
- Phyllis Curl
- Doris Mink
- Angel Peranich
- Myra Van Hoose
- Sally Bergosh
- Stacey Kostevicki
- Emily Simon
- Sam Young
- Jessica Griffen
- Ruth Noel
- Daniel Schebler
- Naisy Dolar
- Clarence Edward Stanford
- Debbie Gerard
- Jill Van Der Like