The resources provided below are your Campaign Toolkit. From logos to posters, fundraising ideas to our campaign video, these items will equip you with the information and items you need to fundraise within your organization to help our community effectively. All of the materials below may be copied or reproduced. Pre-printed items, such as brochures, posters, pledge forms, etc. can also be provided from United Way of West Florida for use in your campaign.

If you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule a speaker, agency tour(s), or volunteer experience as part of your Workplace Campaign, please contact the Development Department at or 850.434.3157.

After your campaign, we would like to ask you to fill out the survey at the bottom of this page.

If you need our logo, visit

Materials provided are for UWWF workplace campaigns.

New Campaign Coordinator?

Here is our Campaign Coordinator handbook.


 Get started: Campaign Coordinator Handbook

Running a campaign?

We love seeing all the creative and fun ways you run your campaign. Plus is this a great time for us to highlight you doing good in the community while you are learning about UWWF and having fun!

  • Tag us on social media @UWWFL (our handle on every platform)
  • Use the hashtag #United4WFL or #UWWF100th
  • Send photos to

Where to start, find emails, incitive ideas, and steps to run a succeful campaign

Find Pledge Forms, brochure, new hire, etc

Find flyers, posters, inviatitions, etc

Videos, presentations, tv slides, and more

Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out our survey so we can improve the workplace campaign experience!

We used the following to give (Select all that apply):
I used the following items from the campaign toolkit (select all that apply):
Questions Very Informative Somewhat Informative Neutral Not Informative N/A
How many employees are at your workplace?
How many employees participated in your workplace?
Do you have remote employees?
My workplace is:
My workplace is located in:
Did you attended CC training this year?
Contact Information (Optional)

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

Check out these fun Workplace Campaigns!

Tag @UWWFL and use the hashtag #UWWFCampaign on social media to see your campaign photos here!