If you are looking to schedule an appointment visit uwwf.org/taxhelp.
United Way of West Florida’s tax preparation program, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), provides tax preparation to families in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties with low to moderate income. This service is 100% free to those visiting our sites for income tax preparation.
We need YOUR help as a volunteer! Be the one who expands this service to more working individuals in our area. All VITA volunteers must be certified through the IRS, however free training will be provided.
-- Learn a new skill that will serve you for a lifetime
-- NO previous experience necessary
-- Receive IRS certification as a volunteer tax preparer
-- Resume builder
-- Flexible volunteer hours
-- Tax sites located in the community where needed
-- Challenging/rewarding/give back to the community
FIll out the form to learn more about volunteering below.
VITA is funded through grants awarded to United Way of West Florida by the Internal Revenue Service and United Way Worldwide. Additional support is provided by Goodwill Gulf Coast, Pensacola State College, University of West Florida, and Florida Blue.